Wilhelm George Treuber
Über diesen Herrn erhielt ich folgende Post aus Portland/Oregon:


My name is Robert Treuber. It is very exciting to see your web site - treuber.de.
My father was William George Treuber, his father was Georg Treuber, born
in Kuhr, Switzerland.

My father had a brother, Oscar, and three sisters: Elsie, Ida, and Hilde.

My father grew-up in southern Germany, somewhere near Stuttgart. His
family came to the USA in 1927-30 and settled in New York City.

I was born in New York City and I now live in Portland, Oregon.

Last year, I used the internet to find other Treubers in Germany. I saw
your hotel listed in a telephone directory. I saw a programmer named
Kai. I believe there are Treubers in Berlin, also.

If you can take time away from your work, I am very interested in
learning more about you family and about my relatives in Europe.

My ability to read and speak German is very bad, I am sorry to say. (Ich
kann nur ein bischen Deutsch gesprechen)

I would be happy if you could reply to me.

Please respond to truth101@comcast.net  or treuberhaus@hotmail.com
You can see my photo at http://www.rainagency.com/RW_WWA1.html
